National Tournament Sponsorships

NYSA is excited to once again be hosting a national shuffleboard tournament on June 14-15, 2025 at Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Gowanus, Brooklyn, and we need your help to make it happen! Contact us to purchase or for more information.

Your support will help us make this event the best it can be, which in turn helps NYSA further its mission of growing the sport of shuffleboard across the state (and beyond!)

Your company/brand will be part of a full weekend of competition bringing in 128 players from around the country, plus spectators from all over the NYC metro area. Visitors to our website and social media as well as email newsletter subscribers will see your brand and know you helped support the sport of shuffleboard by making this event possible. We hope you will consider one of the sponsorship levels available below.

Supporter – $100+
Availability: Unlimited
• Listed on tournament website and printed material at event

General Sponsor – $500
Availability: 10 remaining
All of the above plus:
• Mention in social media posts
• Recognition during event remarks
• Logo on digital graphics and tournament materials
• Opportunity to provide printed materials for the event

Court Sponsor – $1000
Availability: 9 remaining
All of the above plus:
• Prominent mention in social media posts
• Prominent recognition during event remarks
• Advertisement on a designated court throughout the event
• Opportunity for activity station or swag distribution table

(Court Sponsor without table available for $750)

Championship Court / Presenting Sponsor – $3000
Availability: 1
All of the above plus:
• Exclusive advertisement on the championship court
• Logo on official tournament T-shirt

Sponsor packages are available for monetary contribution or commitment of goods/services of equivalent value.

Want to give more or support us in a way that doesn’t fit within these levels? Reach out! [email protected]